Form 990

Enter a telephone number of the organization that members of the public and government personnel can use during normal business hours to obtain information about the organization’s finances and activities. If the organization doesn’t have a telephone number, enter the telephone number of an organization official who can provide such information. Make an entry (including -0- when appropriate) on all lines requiring an amount or other information to be reported. Don’t leave any applicable lines blank, unless expressly instructed to skip that line. If answering a line is predicated on a “Yes” answer to the preceding line, and if the organization’s answer to the preceding line was “No,” then leave the “If Yes” line blank. A subordinate organization may choose to file a separate annual information return instead of being included in the group return.

A payment by a governmental agency to a medical clinic to provide vaccinations to employees of the agency is program service revenue reported on line 2. Unrelated trade or business activities (not including any fundraising events or fundraising activities) that generate fees for services can also be program service activities. A social club, for example, should report as program service revenue the fees it charges both members and nonmembers for the use of its tennis courts and golf course. Program service revenue includes income earned by the organization for providing a government agency with a service, facility, or product that benefited that government agency directly rather than benefiting the public as a whole.

General Instructions

The accounting principles set forth by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) that guide the work of accountants in reporting financial information and preparing audited financial statements for organizations. Compensation that is earned or accrued in, or is attributable to, one year and deferred to a future year for any reason, whether or not funded, vested, qualified or nonqualified, or subject to a substantial risk of forfeiture. Deferred compensation may or may not be included in reportable compensation for the current year. Although we can’t respond individually to each comment received, we do appreciate your feedback and will consider your comments and suggestions as we revise our tax forms, instructions, and publications.

  • Because the donor’s payment exceeds $75, the organization must furnish a disclosure statement even though the taxpayer’s deductible amount doesn’t exceed $75.
  • Report dividends and interest from these securities on Part VIII, line 3.
  • Enter the amount of tax-exempt bonds (or other obligations) for which the organization has a direct or indirect liability that were either issued by the organization on behalf of a state or local governmental unit, or by a state or local governmental unit on behalf of the organization, and for which the organization has a direct or indirect liability.
  • If the organization can’t distinguish between reportable compensation and other compensation from the unrelated organization, report all such compensation in column (D).

Do not include the present value of payments for approved claims, or the estimated liability for future claims. Don’t report on line 11 publicly traded stock for which the organization holds 5% or more of the outstanding shares of the same class or publicly traded stock in a corporation that comprises more than 5% of the organization’s total assets. Enter the total value of publicly traded securities held by the organization as investments. Publicly traded securities include common and preferred stocks, bonds (including governmental obligations such as bonds and Treasury bills), and mutual fund shares that are listed and regularly traded in an over-the-counter market or an established exchange and for which market quotations are published or are otherwise readily available.

Required Filing (Form 990 Series)

If the 25% tax is imposed and the excess benefit transaction isn’t corrected within the tax period, an additional excise tax equal to 200% of the excess benefit is imposed. These rules only apply to certain applicable section 501(c)(3), 501(c)(4), and 501(c)(29) organizations. An applicable tax-exempt organization is a section 501(c)(3), 501(c)(4), or 501(c)(29) organization that is tax exempt under section 501(a), or was an organization at any time during a 5-year period ending on the day of the excess benefit transaction.

Form 990

The organization, sometimes referred to as the “parent organization,” that holds a group exemption letter for one or more subordinate organizations under its general supervision and control. The codes listed in this section are a selection from the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) that should be used in completing, Part VIII, lines 2 and 11. Select the most specific 6-digit code available that describes the activity producing the income being reported. Answer “Yes” or “No” to indicate on line 2a or line 2b whether the organization’s financial statements for the tax year were compiled, reviewed, or audited by an independent accountant.